I feel so bad. I knew that it had been some time, but how quickly days, weeks, months add up.
I was caught in a trap. Not the animal-catching type that produces swift, immediate and decisive action from P.E.T.A. folk, but the mental type that is sometimes painful and always paralyzing. I kept thinking that I needed to take the time to write one of those "catch up" posts. One of those common things other blog writers use when they disappear for a season. The trap is that the longer you wait, the longer the unwritten post becomes.
Large writing projects without enforceable deadlines should not be in my life. They lead to instant procrastination. And eventual guilt. Guilt leads to denial ("Yeah, I'll get to it as soon as things slow down"). Denial is only a temporary sedative and its decreasing potency reveals greater guilt that is well on its way to outright shame.
Oh, what a wretch I am.
Yet time can be a wonderful thing and a gentle healer. So much time has passed that it is completely unrealistic to consider (on my end) or expect (from your end) a two-year catch-up post is in order for this blog. Therefor I believe that I have arrived upon a seemingly reasonable and far less painful solution: I will just begin writing and when it seems appropriate, I will try to inject some things that have taken place over the last two years into those posts.
That said, err, written, I would be remiss not to express my sincere apologies to those of you who check in every now and then just to see if I'm still ticking. I am, and I will try to do a better job of proving that from here on out.
More to come... very soon. Seriously. I mean I really mean it. I honestly do.
Wecome back! Now get writing! ;-)